Understanding Reddit’s Contributor Quality Score (CQS)

Reddit's hidden Contributor Quality Score (CQS) can make or break your content's visibility on the platform. Discover what CQS is, how it works, and practical tips to improve your score for better Reddit marketing success.

Headshot of Postpone's founder, Grant McConnaughey.

Grant McConnaughey
Founder of Postpone

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Reddit isn't just a place for memes and cat photos – it's a powerful platform for content creators, marketers, and brand builders. With thousands of niche communities (subreddits) and a highly engaged user base, Reddit can help you grow an audience if you play by its rules.

But being successful on Reddit is about more than just dropping links to your content. Reddit quietly uses various signals to judge each user's reputation and trustworthiness. One of the biggest behind-the-scenes factors is something called the Contributor Quality Score (CQS).

If you're a creator or brand using Reddit to promote your work or business, understanding CQS can make a world of difference. Think of it as Reddit's way of estimating "how good of a contributor" you are.

A high CQS means Reddit (and subreddit moderators) see you as a positive member of the community, which can lead to better visibility for your posts. A low CQS? That might cause your posts to get filtered out or ignored (or worse, shadowbanned), even if you're sharing great stuff.

In this post, we'll break down what CQS is, why it matters, and how you can work with it (instead of against it) to thrive on Reddit. Let's dive in!

What is the Contributor Quality Score (CQS)?

Every Reddit user has a hidden reputation score called the Contributor Quality Score (CQS). CQS is essentially an internal classification Reddit uses to identify how likely a user is to contribute positively (or negatively) to the platform.

In plainer terms, it's a bit like a credit score for your Reddit account's behavior. But instead of measuring financial trust, it measures community trust.

According to Reddit's administrators, every account is assigned a CQS based on a host of signals – things like your past actions on the site, your account's network and location patterns, and even whether you've secured your account with measures like email verification. All these factors feed into an algorithm that slots you into one of five quality tiers: "Lowest", "Low", "Moderate", "High", or "Highest".

If you're a brand-new user or someone who's tripped a lot of spam alarms, you might start in the Low or Lowest tier. If you've been a model redditor with a solid history, you'd be up in the High or Highest tier. Everyone else falls somewhere in between (Moderate).

Importantly, your CQS is not the same as Karma. Karma is the publicly visible score of upvotes minus downvotes on your posts and comments. CQS is separate and more complex – it looks at quality and trust signals rather than just raw upvotes. In fact, Reddit created CQS specifically to better catch spammers and trolls that karma and account age checks might miss.

A Brief History of CQS

The Contributor Quality Score is a fairly recent addition to Reddit's toolkit. Reddit first rolled out CQS to help with moderation in early to mid 2023 as an experimental feature. For a while, it quietly ran in the background, mainly visible only to admins. Moderators started hearing whispers of a "contributor score" being used to catch bad actors around that time.

The big public announcement to moderators came in September 2023, when Reddit officially made CQS available to all subreddit mod teams via AutoModerator. In a post on r/ModNews titled "Contributor Quality Score available to all communities!", Reddit introduced the feature and explained its purpose. They described CQS as an evolution of the old "karma and account age" checks that many subreddits used to filter new or suspect accounts.

The initial mod feedback was largely positive. During the pilot, subreddits that replaced karma/age requirements with CQS saw fewer false positives (innocent users getting accidentally filtered) and a significant drop in spam slipping through. For example, Reddit reported a 43 percentage-point drop in moderators having to undo AutoMod actions when using CQS versus traditional karma/age gates, and a 40% decrease in daily content removals in communities testing CQS.

Since the official rollout, many subreddit mods – including those of large communities like r/pics and r/aww – have enabled CQS-based filtering. This means CQS quickly went from an experimental idea to a widespread moderation tool across Reddit.

How does Reddit CQS work?

How is your Contributor Quality Score determined? Reddit doesn't publish the exact formula, even to third parties like Postpone (they don't want people gaming the system). However, they have given us some clues about likely factors.

Think of CQS as a combination of your account's history, behavior, and trust signals all rolled into one number (or tier). This includes things like:

  • Past account actions: Reddit explicitly says CQS considers "past actions taken on a user's account." This likely means the system looks at what you've done on Reddit: Have you had posts removed by moderators for breaking rules? Have you been reported frequently or suspended? Conversely, do you have a history of "good" contributions that stay up and get upvoted? Consistently constructive behavior will tilt your CQS upward, while a trail of bans, deletions, or spammy posts will sink it.
  • Account age and karma: While CQS isn't just karma, your karma and how you earned it likely play a role. A user with a long-standing account and decent karma from various posts/comments probably seems less risky than a brand-new account with 1 karma. One Reddit admin hinted that CQS is meant to supersede the blunt "account must be X days old or have Y karma" checks – instead of fixed thresholds, it looks more holistically at your contributions.
  • Engagement and post quality: CQS seems to reward those who engage authentically with the community. Making thoughtful comments and participating in discussions can boost your score, whereas indiscriminately posting content (especially if it's not well-received) might hurt it. One unofficial experiment even suggested that posting and mass upvoting might give "negative points" to your CQS, while commenting and interacting give "positive points."
  • Subreddit participation and diversity: Another suspected factor is which communities you participate in and how. If all you do is post in one subreddit (say, one that you're trying to market to), that could look spammy. Reddit might look at whether you're active across a variety of subreddits – a sign that you're a genuine Redditor who isn't just here to push one agenda.
  • Network and location signals: Reddit mentions using "network and location signals" in computing CQS. This likely refers to technical clues about your account – for example, your IP address and device patterns. If you're logging in from an IP associated with lots of spam accounts, that's a red flag. Normal users typically have consistent patterns (e.g., your home IP, maybe your phone's network, etc.).
  • Account security and verification: Reddit has explicitly pointed out that whether you've taken steps to secure your account – like verifying your email – is a factor in CQS. This one is straightforward: a verified email shows that you're likely a real person protecting your account, not a throwaway spam bot.
  • Consistency and recency: Finally, CQS is updated regularly. It's not a static score – it can move up or down based on your recent activity. This means consistency is key. Reddit basically asks "what have you done for the community lately?"

In summary, CQS crunches a mix of trust signals (account age, verification, IP stability) and content signals (karma, engagement, rule adherence) to classify you. They all boil down to one theme: be a legit, positive member of the Reddit community, and your CQS will reflect that.

Why does CQS matter?

For content creators and anyone trying to build an audience on Reddit, CQS can have a big impact on your success. Here's why CQS matters in practical terms:

  • Visibility of your posts and comments: Reddit's CQS can directly affect whether people even see what you post. Many subreddit moderators now use CQS filters in AutoModerator to automatically remove or "filter" posts from low-tier contributors. If your score is in those bottom tiers, your posts might get caught in a filter queue (or removed entirely) before they ever appear publicly. On the flip side, high CQS users might bypass certain karma or age requirements. In essence, a good CQS greases the wheels for your content, while a bad CQS throws up speed bumps.
  • Reach and engagement of your content: Reddit's algorithm almost certainly down-rank content from low-quality contributors in feeds like r/all or a subreddit's "Hot" listing. If two posts are otherwise equal, one by a high-tier user and one by a low-tier user, the high-tier user's post might get a visibility boost. For content creators, that initial momentum can make or break a post's success on Reddit.
  • Account suspension risk: A consistently low CQS could potentially put your account at higher risk for suspension. If Reddit's systems flag your account as consistently low-quality or spam-like, you might face more scrutiny from automated systems. Users with low CQS who continue posting promotional content or triggering spam filters may find themselves more likely to receive temporary or permanent suspensions than those with higher scores.

A low CQS isn't a death sentence – think of it as Reddit's way of saying "earn your stripes." And a high CQS isn't a free pass to spam – it's a reminder to keep being the awesome contributor that got you there.

How to increase your CQS (and succeed on Reddit)

What can you do to improve your Contributor Quality Score? Whether your CQS is low or you just want to maintain a high score, there are concrete steps you can take. The good news is that boosting your CQS aligns with simply being a good Reddit citizen.

Here are some practical tips to raise your CQS:

  • Verify your account: Verify your email address on Reddit (and link a phone number if possible). Accounts with a verified email and other security features are seen as more legit. This can bump you out of the "untrusted" bucket quickly.
  • Focus on quality contributions, not just self-promotion: To increase CQS, shift your Reddit activity towards engaging with others rather than only posting your own content. Spend time commenting in threads, answering questions, or joining discussions in your niche. Make your comments thoughtful and valuable. Commenting and interacting boosts your CQS, whereas posting and upvoting in large amounts can harm it. Aim for a ratio where you comment more than you post.
  • Avoid getting downvotes and reports: If a lot of your posts/comments sink into negative karma territory, it could hurt your CQS. Post in the right subreddits and follow their rules to avoid negative feedback. Also, steer clear of controversial or combative behavior that leads to arguments. Try to keep your interactions civil and positive.
  • Engage with multiple communities: To improve your CQS, show that you're a well-rounded Redditor. Participate in a variety of subreddits – including some "new user friendly" subs where you can comfortably join conversations. This demonstrates that you're not a bot that lives in one subreddit.
  • Post at a reasonable pace: Moderate your posting frequency. If you make many posts in a short time, especially in the same subreddit, it can trigger spam flags. Spread out your self-promotion. Share one great piece of content and then spend time engaging before you share the next.
  • Earn karma through helpful content: Having a decent amount of karma is usually correlated with a good CQS. Aim to earn karma naturally by posting things people enjoy and find useful. High engagement on a post (upvotes, comments) signals Reddit that you contributed something of value. We’ve found that around 2,000 comment karma is when accounts really start to succeed.
  • Be consistent and give it time: Consistency is key. Improving CQS is not an overnight thing. Try to maintain a regular presence on Reddit. Even spending 10-15 minutes a day browsing, commenting, and uploading content can keep your account active in a positive way.
  • Avoid known pitfalls: Things to avoid that can tank your CQS: Creating multiple accounts to evade bans; frequently deleting your posts/comments; exclusively posting external links (especially if they're all to the same domain); and any form of vote manipulation or buying engagement.

In essence, the formula for increasing CQS isn't a dark art – it's mostly about being genuine, patient, and community-minded. The more value you give, the more you'll get back.

Can you check your CQS?

Reddit does not openly display your CQS to you. For regular users, CQS is hidden – you won't find it on your profile or anywhere in your account settings. Reddit intentionally keeps this score private (likely to prevent people from gaming it). An admin on Reddit confirmed that users can't see their own CQS and Reddit has no plans to make it public.

However, the ever-resourceful Reddit community has figured out ways you can check your CQS tier. One method is using subreddits or bots set up specifically for this purpose. For example, there are subreddits like r/WhatIsMyCQS or r/CQS where users can make a post and an AutoModerator script will reply telling them which tier their account is in. Unfortunately, we can’t say for certain how accurate this method is.

It's worth noting that Reddit's stance is: if you have a low score, you probably know why. They intentionally don't make the score visible to avoid people trying to cheat it. Nevertheless, checking your CQS can be insightful. Just remember that it's not an official feature – you're relying on community tools, which might occasionally break or be out of date.

One reason Reddit likely hides CQS is to prevent self-fulfilling prophecies and stigma. If everyone could see that user X is "Low quality", that user might get treated poorly even if they're trying to reform. By keeping it behind the scenes, Reddit allows users to improve quietly.

What CQS means for Reddit creators (Adapting to the new normal)

For content creators and marketers on Reddit, the emergence of the Contributor Quality Score signals a shift in how you should approach the platform. Reddit is increasingly focusing on who the contributor is, not just what they post. This means as a creator, you need to build your Reddit persona/brand's credibility just like you build your content. It's a bit like having two layers of quality to manage: your content quality and your contributor quality.

The introduction of CQS is actually an opportunity in disguise. Why? Because it rewards the right behavior. If you genuinely engage with communities, share useful information, and aren't just there to shamelessly self-promote, you'll naturally cultivate a good CQS. Take the time to learn the culture of each subreddit you target. Lurk a little, comment on others' posts, establish a rapport. Many brands have found success on Reddit by having an official account that behaves just like a regular passionate user, only occasionally dropping in product links when truly relevant.

Another implication of CQS is that burner accounts and one-off marketing stunts are less effective now. Those fresh accounts will start in the low tier and likely get filtered. It's much more effective to invest in a few accounts that you grow over time. Yes, it requires patience to build "Reddit equity," but the payoff is long-term reach.

Also, expect Reddit's algorithms to evolve. CQS is part of a broader trend of platforms using machine learning to evaluate user quality. In the future, Reddit might integrate CQS into more features – perhaps influencing whose content shows up in aggregated feeds, or how promotions (Reddit ads) are received organically. Adaptability is key. Stay updated on Reddit's announcements (follow r/ModNews or r/Reddit) and community discussions about CQS.

Embracing CQS also means doubling down on authenticity. Redditors have a keen nose for ads and fake enthusiasm. If CQS is basically measuring authenticity and positive participation, then it enforces what Reddit users have been saying all along: "Do with Reddit, not to Reddit." In practical terms, that could mean hosting an AMA where you genuinely answer people's questions, or sharing a how-to guide in a subreddit without even mentioning your product – just to build goodwill and demonstrate expertise.

In summary, for Reddit creators, CQS means playing the long game. It's about building trust and credibility over time, not chasing quick wins. If you adapt to this reality and integrate it into your Reddit strategy, you'll likely find that Reddit becomes not just a source of one-off traffic, but a thriving community that supports your work.

How Postpone Can Help You Manage Your CQS

Postpone’s social media management platform is specifically designed for Reddit creators who want to grow their presence while following best practices. We help you create quality posts, schedule them at optimal times, and track performance with detailed analytics – all while supporting behaviors that nurture a positive CQS.

Our newest feature combines the best of both worlds: plan, craft, and schedule your Reddit content strategically on our web platform, then use our notification-based posting method on mobile to publish directly from your phone. This approach helps maintain the authentic posting patterns that Reddit algorithms favor, while still giving you the convenience of scheduling and planning ahead. Since Reddit's CQS seems to respond better to posts that appear naturally from mobile devices rather than third-party tools, our notification system helps you maintain that authentic footprint without sacrificing the planning capabilities you need.

Start building your Reddit strategy the right way – sign up for Postpone today and see how easy it can be to grow your audience while keeping your Contributor Quality Score healthy and strong.


Reddit's Contributor Quality Score might sound intimidating at first – a secret score judging your every move – but it fundamentally aligns with what savvy Reddit users have known all along: those who genuinely contribute to the community get rewarded, and those who don't, get marginalized. For content creators and marketers, CQS is a reminder that Reddit isn't a platform you can brute-force for promotion without participating. You have to earn your audience, one comment and post at a time.

As Reddit continues to evolve its moderation and ranking systems, staying informed and adaptable is key. We've covered the what, when, and how of CQS: from its introduction in 2023 as a tool to fight spam, to how it functions through various signals, to why it matters for the visibility and reach of your content. We've also gone over practical tips to work with CQS to boost your Reddit game – verify your account, engage sincerely, diversify your activity, and be patient yet consistent.

The good news of all of this is that you have control over it by how you behave. So embrace the spirit of Reddit: learn, share, discuss, and yes, occasionally meme. If you do that then your account’s CQS will take care of itself, your account and content will shine.

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